Friday, September 29, 2006

"The Other Boleyn Girl" - First day of location filming

Monday 25 September

04.50am Alarm, out of bed, etc..

05.30am Into the car and off down the road for the 40 mile drive to Chalfield Manor, near Bradford-upon-Avon. Decided to take the minor roads, however, I didn't reckon on the heavy pre-autumn fog. Took wrong turns twice, almost crashed, slowed down, missed the 06.30 call, got there at 10 to 7.

Changed into costume, make up. Tudor manservant. Black stockings, garters. Almost immediate call to head for the Manor. Worked all the way thru to lunch. Separate food wagon for the background people. And noticeably inferior food. I had Tuna Montezuma for my main course. And syrup sponge with custard for afters, on the basis that no-one in this country would dare to screw up syrup sponge with custard. And it was quite good actually, though I didn't have long to enjoy it. This was a 20 minute lunch break, and I just about had time to clear the dish before we were called back on set.

Worked all the way through to wrap at 6.30pm, return to costumery, change, sign out.
7.30pm. Arrived home at 8.45pm.

During the day, there had been lots of comparing notes amongst the extras. Basically, just about everyone felt that they had been stitched up financially. More on this later. With the exception of the odd smattering of drama studies graduates, and live at home students, everyone else was in 'got to earn a living' mode. Several musicians.

I went to bed early, about 10, couldn't get to sleep properly. Eventually got up about 2am for a glass of water. Got back into bed, turned off the light, and started crying. Slept ok after that.

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