Well, my ancient laptop finally went clunk for the last time a few weeks back. Of course I have still have my Asus Eee PC netbook, the original netbook, no crappy imitators here.
The Eee is brilliant for when I wake up up at 6.00 am and do a few hours work before I exit from bed.
However, sometimes I need to see the bigger picture.
I considered the options. I'd come to hate Windows and all the security stuff, malware avoidance, and electronic counter-measures necessary to just switch on and do something. And I'd installed Linux on my now deceased laptop, but I'd never tried an AppleMac. So I looked around.
All my internet access is done through a USB broadband stick, so I kept that in mind. I decided that a second-user iBook G4 might be OK. However, I didn't particularly want to spend £250 on computer hardware. Next option, an iBook G3. Cost would be about £150.
However, the USB ports on the iBook G3 are the old USB 1.1 non-high-speed variety which meant that internet performance would hardly improve over my old laptop. Well. I could live with that, for a while.
Then I remembered. I'd read that sales of desktop PC's had plateaued, or slightly declined, while laptops had continued to increase. So... "Laptops, popular., That must be keeping the prices up." I wandered off to... and found a thing called an eMac, deeply unfashionable, designed for the educational market, same performance as an iBook G3.
£30.00 on eBay. A gallon of diesel. £5 for a new internal clock battery. And a quick dunt with a heavy hammer to re-align a loose panel. At last, 4 decades after Elect. Eng. years at one of the best engineering universities in the country.... Fruition.
Very individualistic styling, I love it..., it looks like a space capsule. I can almost imagine climbing in , to re-appear through the other side in another world..., like Ewan MacGregor in Trainspotting, head down the toilet...
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