Sunday, December 28, 2008

Woolworths Last Day

Woolworths in High Street Weston-super-Mare, yesterday. All the staff are there, in groups of two or three: they look lost. There is nothing left on the shelves, and in about half an hour they're out of a job. A few minutes previously I'd overheard someone speak with an assistant, who replied... "Well, we've got 12 cameras....". They both look up; surveillance cameras, to go.

Interesting article by journalist Miranda Sawyer about her local Woolies .....excerpt..

Woolworths was a democratic brand. Everyone shopped there: young, old, posh, not. There are few other shops that would cater so graciously for what is now called the care-in-the-community sector. Once it disappears from our high streets, those streets will go one of two ways. Either the site will be bought by a glitzy Tesco Metro or upmarket Waitrose.

Or you'll get Netto, or another pound shop, or it will lie empty and rot. And that egalitarian, come-one-come-all feel will have gone. You'll know the investment value of your local area by what happens to your Woolworths site

Click Here For the Full Article

I rather feel, take away the references to other store names, and you're left with a statement of some of the values of Woolworths. I believe there will be a New Woolworths.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Baghdad Shoe Thrower....

First shoe flies towards Bush. "This is a goodbye kiss, you dog,".

Second Shoe... "This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq."

Monday, February 11, 2008

First Sales of My New Book

The first sales of my book last night, 2 copies. Real sales that is, not family, or friends. Splashed the proceeds on a bottle of wine to celebrate.